Popcorn Friday is a great community building event for our entire school. Kids love seeing and smelling the popcorn popping on Fridays!
Seeing parents investing time in them and their school gives kids a wonderful sense of community.
We need a group of 6 or so dedicated volunteers who can commit to at least 3 Popcorn Friday dates. The time commitment is from 12-3 pm (or 2 pm if you are picking up a Pre-K). Please consider volunteering your time. We make it fun!
This year, we’re collecting funds in one or two installments rather than weekly. We suggest donating $20 per child for the full year, or $10 for half the year. Any amount is appreciated and will have a big impact. You can also consider sponsoring another child!
We are always looking for popcorn kernels, canola oil, dye-free seasoning, and small paper bag donations! This year the Hudson Valley Farm Hub donated 1000lbs of kernels. We are so grateful!
How to pay
Put cash in an envelope addressed to PTO POPCORN FRIDAY for their teacher to collect. We suggest donating $20 per child for the full year, or $10 for half the year, but any amount is appreciated. Weekly donations are still welcome!
Checks should be made out to George Washington PTO with POPCORN FRIDAY in the memo. Send the check in your child's backpack for their teacher to collect. We suggest donating $20 per child for the full year, or $10 for half the year, but any amount is appreciated.
You can pay with a credit card by following our Cheddar Up donation link. Please be aware that there is a $1.81 fee for using your credit card, this allows the PTO to collect the full donation. We suggest donating $20 per child for the full year, or $10 for half the year, but any amount is appreciated.