Your Stories

“As someone who has worked at GW often over the past 15 years, the first thing that struck me was how quiet and peaceful the building felt.  Our two tour guides were wonderful and we poked our heads into every nook and cranny of the school seeing places I had never known were there.  In every single room, we saw kids totally absorbed in projects, working quietly alone or in small groups.  The focus, the happy energy were indicators that real learning was taking place.  Impressive.  Inspiring.”

Evry Mann, Executive Director, Center for Creative Education

“This morning I stopped by at the George Washington Elementary School, a public Montessori program on Wall Street in Kingston for a tour of the building . My grandson is a student there and I thought I’d take advantage of the offer I’d heard about on the school’s web-site to see firsthand what’s going on there. Well, I was treated to a walk-through of the whole school, guided by a lovely, well-informed fifth grader with a clip-board named Nikemia. She showed me classrooms, music and art rooms, the library, teachers teaching and students studying in beautiful airy, sunny classrooms. I met the “cafeteria ladies”, the school social worker, the friendly principal, and was greeted by a beautiful dog at the entrance. I heard the orchestra and saw wonderful student art work too. Most important was what I felt and observed: an enthusiasm for learning from the kids and the teachers, and a pride in this great school that they attend. I am so glad that my grandson goes to this school with a diverse population and an inspired staff and curriculum. I’m so glad that I was able to see that my tax dollars are providing such a fine education for our children. You, too, can stop by any Tuesday morning at 9:30 a.m. and see for yourself. Right here in Kingston!”

Barbara Sarah, Clinical Social Worker, LCSW, ACSW

“A recent tour of the George Washington School readily confirmed what I already knew to be true through watching my son’s progress in the last year. What a beautiful place in which to grow and be nurtured! What a peaceful yet active environment, where self-directed children go about their work motivated by their own desire for learning. The group of us who shared the tour all left exclaiming” I wish there was a school like this when I was growing up!” We are so fortunate to have this school in our community. I really hope that anyone with a bit of curiosity about GW will take advantage of their weekly tours and see for themselves what this special school has to offer.”

Larry Grenadier, Musician and GW Parent

“I want to thank you personally for reigniting in me the excitement for eduction. I am the son of a schoolteacher and have spent my life in the profession. Education matters to me in a deeply personal way….my visit to your school relit my enthusiasm. I am not going to transform the culture….but I do hope that I remember the feeling of limitless possibilities produced by the energy and purpose that I sensed at your school. Thanks for that unexpected gift and congratulations to both you and your staff for creating such a special place for learning in our community.”

Tom Price, Professor of History, Ulster County Community College

“Went on an amazing tour of your school today, given by TJ and Vivian. The school is wonderful and everything I had hoped it would be. Our tour guides were very thorough and answered all of our questions. The staff were warm and inviting, also answering our numerous questions. We will be requesting permission to attend GW Montessori, and fingers crossed, I hope my 2 children get in. What an awesome gem to have right here in Kingston. Thank you for the tour!”

Colby Martinson, Parent

Montessori ❤️